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Learn More about Required Permits & Reporting

Select the ADEM Program and complete the checklist below to find Fact Sheets with more information.

Select All Conditions That Apply:

Removing regulated asbestos-containing materials from dwellings, buildings, pipes, structures, etc.
Loading gasoline at a refinery, terminal or bulk plant or unloading gasoline at a Stage 1 facility (not required for diesel or jet fuel)
Facility has potential to emit 100 TPY or more of any criteria pollutant or 10 tons per year or more of a single hazardous air pollutant (HAP) or over 25 tons per year or more of any combination of HAP
Facility has potential to emit greater than 250 TPY of regulated criteria pollutants or greater than 100 TPY of regulated criteria pollutants in one of the source categories
Facility located in a non-attainment area has potential to emit 100 TPY of regulated criteria pollutants
Facility has potential to emit greater than 250 TPY of regulated criteria pollutants but reduces the emissions to less than 250 TPY through restrictions
Facility has potential to emit less than 250 TPY of regulated criteria pollutants and is not a source category