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Emergency Response


Response to Spills of Oil and Hazardous Material and Fish Kills

Spills and fish kills should be reported during normal office hours to the nearest ADEM Field Office or 24 hours per day by calling the Alabama Emergency Management Agency State Warning Point at 1-800-843-0699. The ADEM response staff can be reached after hours in emergency situations through the Alabama Emergency Management Agency.

Each of the ADEM Field Offices has staff assigned on a rotating basis to response duties 24-hours per day and 7 days per week. Response activities include incidents involving spills of oil and hazardous materials and fish kills. In addition, ADEM supports local governments in response to actual or potential releases of oil and hazardous material resulting from natural, manmade or technological disasters. The ADEM response staff serve as State On Scene Coordinator for facility related releases of hazardous materials, including releases to State waters and oil releases to the State waters. ADEM also acts as the technical advisory agency in identifying and directing the containment, treatment, and removal of hazardous materials impacting or threatening the citizens and/or the environment of the State of Alabama. ADEM serves as the point of coordination between the state and federal response resources of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard. 


Useful Numbers and Links for Reporting Oil Spills and Hazardous Substance Releases

Alabama State Warning Point - 1-800-843-0699

National Response Center (NRC) - 1-800-424-8802

ADEM Montgomery Branch Field Office
(334) 260-2700 
Fax (334)272-8131

ADEM Birmingham Branch Field Office
(205) 942-6168 
Fax (205) 941-1603

ADEM Decatur Branch Field Office
(256) 353-1713
Fax (256) 340-9359

ADEM Mobile Field Office
(251) 450-3400 
Fax (251) 479-2593

Coastal Section Office 
(251) 304-1176 
Fax (251) 304-1189

ADEM - Central Office 
(334) 271-7700 
Fax (334) 271-7950

ADEM Office of Emergency Response (General Information only)
(334) 260-2717

ADEM Ombudsman (General Information)

CHEMTREC - 1-800-424-9300 

EPA Atlanta Emergency Response
(404) 562-8700
Can be reached after hours through the National Response Center listed above.

United States Coast Guard - Mobile
(251) 441-5286

US National Response Team

US Region IV Regional Response Team 

EPA Local Government Reimbursement Program 


Links and Other Information

State Warning Point - (800) 843-0699
National Response Center - (800) 424-8802
Region 4 Regional Response Team
EPA Local Government Reimbursement Program
ADPH Emergency Preparedness Program
ADPH Radiation Program
Alabama EMA

Contact Information 

Attn: Field Operations Division
Post Office Box 301463
Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1463
(334) 260-2700
(334) 272-8131 Fax