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Recycling Program

General Overview

In 2008, the Solid Wastes and Recyclable Materials Management Act, also known as SWRMMA set forth a Statewide Solid Waste Reduction Goal of 25%. In addition, the Act established a statewide solid waste disposal fee of $1/ton or $0.25/cubic yard for all solid waste disposed in Alabama landfills. The revenues generated by this fee have enabled the Department to add staff necessary to carry out the programmatic requirements of the law.

The four main purposes of the SWRMMA are:
  • Establish a Statewide waste reduction/recycling program, goal and measurement methodology;
  • Provide stable funding for the Alabama Department of Environmental Management’s solid waste and recycling programs;
  • Establish a grants program for local recycling efforts; and
  • Provide fiscal resources to remediate unauthorized dumps/illegal disposal sites.

  • Statewide Solid Waste Reduction Goal

Recycling Grants

Alabama Recycling Fund Grants promote local recycling efforts by providing reimbursement grants to local governments to develop, implement, and enhance recycling programs.

Please note: Proposed recycling projects must be consistent with the approved local Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP). Funding can also be used for any needed revisions of the existing SWMP.

Who is eligible for ARF Grants?
  • Local governments – any municipality, county, or district or authority or any agency thereof which has responsibility for and the authority to assure the proper management of solid waste within its jurisdiction, including but not limited to, its collection, disposal, treatment or recycling.
  • Authorities – any quasi-governmental agency, board, or authority created by agreement on behalf of one local government or between two or more local governments for solid waste management or recycling purposes.
  • Nonprofit organizations – a corporation or association where no part of the income or profit of which is distributable to its members, directors, or officers, and is operated pursuant to the requirements of the Code of Alabama 1975, §§ 10-3A-1 to 10-3A-225.
Examples of what the ARF Grants Fund:
  • Recycling bins/containers
  • Recycling storage/bunkers
  • Recycling infrastructure/equipment
  • Education & outreach materials
How to Apply:
Helpful Links:

Recycling Facility Regulations

In order to document the waste reduction efforts in Alabama, certain Materials Recovery Facilities, Recoverable Materials Processing Facilities, and other facilities that receive, store, process and sell recovered materials that are not used for any on-site end-use manufacturing process are required to register with ADEM. Recycling Facility regulations are found in ADEM Administrative Code 335-13-3. Registration should be completed 45 days prior to opening a new facility.
  • Registrations are non-transferable
  • Name changes also require notification
  • There is no fee associated with the registration application

Who needs to register?

Facilities that:
  • Receive, store, process, or sell recyclable materials that are not used for any on-site end use manufacturing process.
  • Recoverable Materials Processing Facilities and Materials Recovery Facilities (MRF’s).
How to Register:

Recycling Facility Reporting Requirements

Recycling facilities are required to submit semi-annual reports to the Department on or before February 15th and August 15th of each year through the Alabama Environmental Permitting and Compliance System (AEPACS).

*Facilities exempt from registration must still complete reporting requirements per ADEM Administrative Code 335-13-3-.05(6).

Helpful Links & Additional Information: