The Alabama Department of Environmental Management has produced a list of "Frequently Asked Question or Concerns" and ADEM Responses. The responses identify the appropriate Agencies/Authorities with responsibility for specific concerns. If you have comments or other questions please do not hesitate to click on the "Feedback" Link and provide us with your question or comment.
Q: What agency has authority over the quantity of water in Alabama streams and rivers?
R: The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Office of Water Resources (OWR) administers programs for water resource management. More information can be found at ADECA - Office of Water Resources.
Q: What can be done about the noise created from an industrial or mining operation in my community?
R: There are at present no laws or regulations administered by ADEM that deal with noise. You can contact your county or municipal government to determine if there are local ordinances on noise. Additionally, the Federal Highway Administration has developed traffic noise level criteria for various land use activities. More information on traffic noise may be found at Federal Highway Administration - Highway Traffic Noise
Q: What agency has authority regarding the choice of location of activities which could require a permit from ADEM?
R: ADEM has no legal authority over site selection. A function of local government is the determination of how land is used. You should contact your local county or municipal government for assistance for siting or zoning issues.
Q: The siting of a facility and the issuance of an ADEM Permit will result in increased traffic. The roads and bridges are not designed for large heavy trucks. Can these issues be addressed by ADEM?
R: Traffic is regulated by your local County Engineer, City Engineer or the Alabama Department of Transportation.
Q: If the issuance of an ADEM Permit for a facility to operate will cause an increase of flies, rats, or other vermin., will these concerns be addressed by ADEM?
R: ADEM does not regulate the control of flies, rats and other vermin. You should contact your local County Health Department or the State Health Department.
Q: I am concerned about water withdrawal from mining operations affecting surface and groundwater levels causing sinkholes, and depleting sources of water for livestock.
R:The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Office of Water Resources is the State agency with primacy and statutory authority to address any concerns regarding potential water quantity or redirected flow issues.
Q: I am concerned that blasting at a nearby coal mine will affect my home and will be done at inconvenient hours. Who can I call to ask questions about blasting?
R: The Alabama Surface Mining Commission and the State Fire Marshall have primacy and statutory authority to address questions regarding potential safety considerations regarding blasting. These authorities address safe handling and transportation of explosives, as well as the timing of blasting operations.