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Gulf of Mexico Program

ADEM helps to represent the State of Alabama by participation at various levels in the Gulf of Mexico Program (GMP), including its Management Committee, Modeling Monitoring and Research Committee, Data and Information Transfer Committee, Public Education and Outreach Committee and Habitat Focus Team. The GMP, which is underwritten by the US EPA, is a consortium of organizations working together to restore, protect, and maintain the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem in ways consistent with the economic well-being of the region. In addition to the five US gulf coast states, members include: the Gulf of Mexico Business Coalition, the American Farm Bureau, the Gulf Restoration Network, the Conference of Southern County Association, the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, the Gulf State Association of Conservation Districts, the Gulf of Mexico Citizens Advisory Committee and the following Federal Agencies EPA, DOD, DOI, DOC, FDA, DOT and DOA. The program is a non-regulatory effort to foster good stewardship of the Gulf's resources and supports both local and regional efforts. Since its inception in 1998, the GMP has supported 269 projects valued at over $19 million across the Gulf. You can learn more about the program by visiting their web site at The Gulf of Mexico Program.