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Learn More about Required Permits & Reporting

Select the ADEM Program and complete the checklist below to find Fact Sheets with more information.

Select All Conditions That Apply:

Placing fill in federal waters
Using a groundwater source for bottling water for consumption
Discharging fluids/pollutants through an injection well, drip lines, field lines, etc.
Discharging process water, storm water, or non-process water to a water of the State
Acquiring or renewing a water well driller's license
Land application of treated process or sanitary waste water
Renewing an operating permit for an existing public water supply system
Discharging stormwater from construction activities disturbing greater than or equal to one acre or less than one acre in a common plan of development
Modifying operating permit of a public water supply system, i.e. name/owner change, chemical addition change, high rate filtration study, etc.
Transferring and/or renewing general stormwater permits for the discharge of stormwater from construction activities disturbing greater than or equal to one acre or less than one acre in a common plan of development
Constructing a new or modifying an existing public water supply, i.e. tanks, pump stations, sources, treatment plants, water mains, etc.
Discharging pollutants from a non-coal, non-metallic mining and processing (wet or dry) of non-coal, non-metallic construction aggregate, construction sand and gravel, chert, or dirt activities disturbing greater than or equal to five acres
Industrial facility discharging to a publicly-owned treatment works (POTW) or to a privately-owned treatment works
Discharging pollutants from a non-coal, non-metallic mining operation and dry processing disturbing less than five acres to a water of the State
Acquiring water or wastewater operator certification
Discharging pollutants from coalbed methane operations to a water of the State
Renewing water or wastewater operator certification
Discharging pollutants from the application of pesticides to a water of the State
Discharging stormwater from industrial or small municipal activities
Transferring and/or renewing general stormwater permits for the discharge of stormwater from industrial or small municipal activities
Discharging pollutants from mining operations disturbing greater than or equal to five acres, all coal mining operations (surface or underground) and all wet preparation plants associated with any size mining operations
Registering animal feeding operations (AFO) and/or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO)
Facilities (especially meat processors) needing a water potability certificate
Seeking laboratory certification for drinking water analysis