ADEM Administrative Code R. 335-6-15
Operating and Maintaining Underground Storage Tank Systems, Practical Help and Checklists
Guidance booklet to provide help in understanding the ADEM underground storage tank regulations. Included are checklists to help tank owners comply with these regulations.
ADEM Booklet - Introduction to SIR for Underground Storage Tanks
Guidance booklet for underground storage tank owners and operators using statistical inventory reconciliation (SIR) as a method of release detection.
UST Closure Site Assessment Guidance
(September 2007)
Guidelines for Conducting UST Closure Site Assessments
NEW! The UST Closure Assessment Report Form 474 has been revised. Revisions have been made to Section 8e and 8f. Please use this form for the submittal of UST closure site assessment reports.
October 2017 UST Closure Assessment Report Form 474 m3
List of Leak Detection Evaluations for Storage Tank Systems
This link provides access to a list of leak detection methods that have been properly evaluated by an independent third-party in accordance with an accepted test protocol. Alabama accepts the use of leak detection equipment/methods on this list. Appearance on this list is not to be construed as an endorsement by any regulatory agency nor is it any guarantee of the performance of the method or equipment.
Alabama Approved Equipment/Methods List
List of approved equipment, anchoring systems and alternatives to internal inspections for adding cathodic protection.
Alabama Approved Nonmetallic Piping List
List of approved fiberglass and flexible plastic piping for use with underground storage tanks.
New EPA Manual - UST Systems: Inspection and Maintaining Sumps and Spill Buckets - Practical Help and Checklist
This manual includes recommended guidelines and best management practices for properly maintaining UST system sumps and spill buckets.
EPA Publications Related to Underground Storage Tanks
This link provides access to all EPA guidance publications related to underground storage tanks.