Alabama Department of Environmental Management
P.O. Box 301463 (Zip 36130-1463)
1400 Coliseum Boulevard (Zip 36110-2400)
Montgomery, Alabama
(334) 271-7700
ADEM Fund Code 245
SRF Project No. FS010096-04
Mobile County
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management has made $78,436,000 in financial assistance available to the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile using funds from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) and the Drinking Water Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation (DWBIL) loan programs. In accordance with State and Federal regulations that govern the program, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management has conducted a review to assess potential impacts upon the environment that may result from implementation of this project.
The Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile proposes various drinking water infrastructure system improvements. Improvement planned will be in four (4) main areas: Big Creek Lake, E.M. Stickney WTP, Myers WTP and Gaillard Pump Station. Big Creek Lake projects will protect the water source in the event of spills and improve the integrity of the berm at the dam. E.M. Stickney WTP projects will consist of rehabilitation of Settling Basin and Filter. Also included is conversion from Chlorine Dioxide to Sodium Hypochlorite for public safety. Stickney improvements will also include a new liquid lime system and redundant Solids Clarifier. The Myers WTP project is the Filter Rehabilitation improving reliability. The Gaillard Pump Station project will consist of rehabilitation and/or replacement of pumps, valves, and fittings. SCADA upgrades will be installed as needed to upgrade security at both WTPs. In addition to these projects there will be critical valve replacements, water main replacements, paving projects at WTPs. A final project is the investigation of alternative water supplies and actions required should use of Mobile River as an alternate water supply be required in the future. These improvements will ensure continued provision of safe drinking water to all service area customers.
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management has determined that the project qualifies for a Categorical Exclusion (CE) from further environmental study under the guidelines specified by the State Environmental Review Process (SERP) which specifically include actions which are solely directed toward minor rehabilitation of existing facilities, functional replacement of equipment, or towards the construction of new ancillary facilities adjacent or appurtenant to existing facilities. However, this decision may be reconsidered if significant adverse information concerning potential environmental impacts of the project is discovered.
Comments relative to this project should be submitted in writing to Mr. John Laney, SRF Section, Permits and Services Division, Alabama Department of Environmental Management, Post Office Box 301463, Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1463, no later than 30 days after the date of this CE. The Alabama Department of Environmental Management will not take formal action to proceed with the project without carefully evaluating any public comments opposing the project.
Notice is hereby given this 15th day of January 2025, by authorization of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management.
Lance R. LeFleur
Nondiscrimination Statement: The Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in the administration of its programs.